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Sunday, February 21, 2021

My Outlook for 2021

 Putting 2020 in the Rearview

    The year two thousand and twenty was a crazy year. It was not only a crazy year for the world and our country, but a crazy one for me and my family. The year started off great; school was good and the college life was fun. I was having the time of my life. At the start of spring break we all left in our separate directions with plans of returning to school in a week. My first outdoor meet was also that following week so I was excited.

    A one week delay back to school turned into two weeks, then two weeks turned into a month, then a month turned into five months. I had to pack my things and head back home to Lorton, Virginia; for those of you who don't know, Lorton is in the greater Washington, D.C. area. The lockdown started, I couldn't go out with my friends, and I couldn't even work out. My dad's job was shut down, my mom was restricted to work from home, and my then eight year old sister was confined to our house. The pandemic was rough on us because we are a family that likes to be in the house.

    The days went fast, I was going to bed at 6:00 am and waking up at 3:00 pm. Certain days I would go out and take a drive, just to feel like I was doing something. The good thing about the pandemic is that time went by fast. Before I knew it, it was late May and the lockdown lifted. Cases were going down, and more places started to open up. Things were starting to get better and the sun was out. I finished the year with a 3.2 GPA. My sister started to go back to dance class, and my parents back to work. As time went on things got better.

    In 2021 I want to continue to keep good grades. I also want to get better on the track, and become recognized as a premiere athlete at the school. I want to acquire internships. that would swing me forward to my career goals. With hard work and dedication I believe that I will achieve all these things and more. I know God is on my side and he will keep the blessings flowing.

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