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Friday, April 23, 2021

6th Blog post: Bulldog Spotlight interview, Five questions

     Today, I interviewed student, Alexandrea Brice Moore, or "Brice". No, she is not in my radio production class. I previously interviewed Sophia Galavan, who is in my radio production class. Unfortunately, I lost my interview with her, and in desperation I interviewed Brice instead. She provided some good answers about our school, South Carolina State. 

Listen to my interview with Miss Junior, Brice Moore.

Radio Wraparound

     The plans for the restoration for the Orangeburg Bowling Alley, will be the next big thing to come to this small city. Ellen Zisholtz has put some hard work and dedication into these plans. SC State has a memorial honoring the victims of the Orangeburg Massacre, but a bowling alley will honor the victims in a fun and memorable way. Here is my radio wraparound on the reopening and restoration of the bowling alley.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Fifth Blog Post: Pandemic Reflection

         The year two thousand and twenty was quite the rollercoaster of a year. The event that rocked our world in 2020, was the coronavirus pandemic. It was something that you see in movies. People fighting over the last supplies in grocery stores, school shut downs, and curfews were just some of the changes in everyday life. The population was ordered to stay in the house. This was hard on a lot of people.

          Many people lost family members and friends. Many lost jobs, and many other things. Also a lot of people like myself, lost peace of mind. I was going thru some personal issues, and the fact that we had a stay at home order made things a lot worse. I am used to being out the house and socializing, so this was very hard.

          It was also hard because, we were not on campus. We were supposed to be back on campus having fun, and getting good grades. Being at home made learning for me a lot harder. It made working out a lot harder too. As time went on lockdowns were lifted and restrictions were lifted and the world was introduced to a new way of living. Masks were required everywhere you go, nobody in between six feet of each other, and capacity restrictions in areas. The pandemic is not over yet, but I think now, a year later we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Listen to me talk about the pandemic, here in the link below.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Third Blog Post: The Ellen Zisholtz Bowling Alley Interview Soundbites


SOT 1: Ellen Zisholtz 9:40

In: When they went to bring charges

out: group of unarmed students

Transcribe SOT: "When they went to bring charges, they didn't bring any charges against any of the police that shot into the group of unarmed students."


SOT 2: Ellen Zisholtz 10:33

In: We need to emphasize

out: unless you know the history

Transcribe SOT: "We need to emphasize history, and then from that history we have to move forward. So you can't make changes for the better unless you know the history."


SOT 3: Ellen Zisholtz 17:40

In: People risked their lives

Out: they need to be recognized

Transcribe SOT: "People risked their lives, and stood up for what was right and I think they should be recognized."


Creative lighting

      Creative lighting is a technique used in film and photography to capture different aspects of the subject. There are different kinds o...